Already boasting of three full-time employees, the shop will further create two employment opportunities.

“We are excited by the prospect of creating job opportunities for our communities while helping others achieve their goals,” says the Founder and CEO of Vaya Footwear, Themba Makamo.
The brand, which is the brainchild of Themba Makamo, a former journalist turned entrepreneur, began as an idea in 2019.
“I realized that whenever we embark on any journey in life, whether to a job interview, a performance, a date or event, the shoes that we wear influence how confident we are going to feel,” Themba points out.
Without any funding, he raised his own capital, and with the assistance of others, secured a manufacturing partner and made the first pairs.

“We started taking pre-orders at the end of 2020 and they were sold out within a week when the pairs arrived in February 2021.
“The idea behind the shoe is for a person to be inspired and have that “Go For It” mindset when they wear it,” states Themba.
Prior to the launch of a new store at Newtown Junction, they were selling the sneakers online via their website and on WhatsApp. VAYA will continue to take orders online and via WhatsApp until such time they have stores near you, the customer.
“The opening of the store will allow our customers to have a physical experience of the shoe, something which we are excited about,” concludes Themba.