Mental Health Issues Affecting Students

In our nation, every hour, a student commits suicide.

Several people might arrive at answers such as stress, lack of stress management, anxiety, and whatnot, but never pay focus on the root causes.

Of all the states, it has been reported that there are a lot of things that most of the time, lead an individual to commit suicide in TVET colleges and Universities. The majority of victims are females that are cast aspersions on. Aspersions that are the roots of their mental health issues. Numbers don't lie.

Students' performance is most often hindered by mental health issues. These issues affect students' motivation, attentiveness, and social connection, of all which are important variables leading to unsatisfying results.

It is also said that Covid-19 has had a serious impact on worsening the situation as students are expected to practice behavioral change as we live under new normal. The statistics are a cause for concern as they indicate the seriousness and critical mental conditions that many students in our institutions suffer from, talking about common mental disorders like depression, substance abuse, bipolar disorder, and schizophrenia.

Survivor, Kelebone Magotsa (23) tells Strictly Mashashane that she has tried to deliberately take her own life several times but she kept coming out alive. She says that everything was so overwhelming, the lack of support from her home also pilled up problems. "My happiness vanished right before my eyes. After surviving from attempting suicide, I struggled severely with mental health issues that I started binge-eating and I gained weight." Said Kele.

Mental health issues are often caused by the pressure faced after matric to tertiary level. Life after matric can be difficult and draining for students that tend to compare high school life with that after, looking at the amount of work given, the teaching system, and treatment.

Thousands of students that are going through mental illnesses are mostly in denial, they would keep themselves isolated/ solitary and rather millions of them are afraid to talk because of the stigma that comes with mental illnesses. In our African society, issues related to mental are labeled as taboo or witchcraft.

In the books of history, a total number of between 40-45% had survived the mental health challenges, with about 30-35% committing suicide each year for over 25years in tertiary institutions.

"Mental health illnesses has never been seen as emergencies in the medical fraternity or treated like one compared to other medical conditions such as stroke and heart attacks despite the fact that in all cases, if not prioritized, the results are the same, death. We call upon students to act with a sense of emergency whenever they see someone acting differently. Not only students, every troubled being". Said Dr.Daniel Mashao.

Get up and get help.

Mental health line - 011 234 4837

Trauma line - 080 020 5026

Depression - 0800 121314