Below is a breakdown of how Mashashane high schools (Maune and Maraba circuit) performed in 2022, compared with the previous year of 2021.
Some schools performed better and worse than in previous years. Some gained more learners however as always, Tlakale Mashashane always has more matriculants than any other school in Mashashane area.
School | Total Wrote | Total Passed | Pass Rate (%) |
Pax High | 2022: 84 2021: 76 |
2022: 80 2021: 71 |
2022: 95.2% 2021: 93.4% |
Mmatshipi Senior Secondary | 2022: 59 2021: 56 |
2022: 56 2021: 53 |
2022: 94.9% 2021: 94.6% |
Kgolokgothla Ledwaba Secondary | 2022: 29 2021: 30 |
2022: 26 2021: 23 |
2022: 89.7% 2021: 76.7% |
Tlakale Mashashane Secondary | 2022: 260 2021: 187 |
2022: 224 2021: 163 |
2022: 86.2% 2021: 87.2% |
Sekgopetjana Secondary | 2022: 83 2021: 92 |
2022: 71 2021: 63 |
2022: 85.5% 2021: 68.5% |
Botsikana Secondary | 2022: 36 2021: 55 |
2022: 29 2021: 23 |
2022: 80.6% 2021: 41.8% |
Jawe Jawe Secondary | 2022: 61 2021: 47 |
2022: 42 2021: 23 |
2022: 68.9% 2021: 48.9% |
Motse Maria | 2022: 125 2021: 121 |
2022: 84 2021: 90 |
2022: 67.2% 2021: 74.4% |
Seipone Secondary | 2022: 59 2021: 66 |
2022: 34 2021: 37 |
2022: 57.6% 2021: 56.1% |
Dr MJ Madiba Secondary | 2022: 48 2021: 45 |
2022: 27 2021: 29 |
2022: 56.3% 2021: 64.4% |
We wish all the 2022 matriculants the best of luck in their future endeavors. Halala!!!!