Mashashane Schools Matric Results 2021

A complete list of Mashashane matric results for the 2021 academic year.

The results came out with a lot of positives, seeing most of the schools slightly improving their pass rate compared to the previous academic years.

Pass Rate Summary

Below is a quick summary of how high schools in Mashashane performed in 2021.

Out of 6 schools in Ga-Mashashane, only one of them dropped the pass rate in 2021 while the rest have seen a significant increase.

School Pass Rate (%)
Mmatshipi Senior Secondary 94.6
Tlakale Mashashane Secondary 87.2
Kgolokgotlha Ledwaba Secondary 76.7
Dr MJ Madiba Secondary 64.4
Seipone Secondary 56.1
Botsikana Secondary 41.8

With limited teaching resources, Mashashane high schools ensure learners work hard to pass and to prepare for a better future. Commending all teachers around Mashashane for their commitment to the success of learners.

Below we list and compare high schools performance between 2020 and 2021 academic years.

1. Mmatshipi Senior Secondary

Mmatshipi came out top of the high schools in 2021 with 56 learners that wrote exams and 53 passed. Achieving a pass rate of 94.6% surpassing 82.5% rate in the 2020 academic year.

2. Tlakale Mashashane Secondary

Tlakale Mashashane came second after Mmatshipi with 87.2% pass rate in 2021, with 187 learners that wrote exams, 163 passed. In 2020, Tlakale achieved a pass rate of 82.0%, which shows a significant growth in school performance.

3. Kgolokgotlha Ledwaba High

Out of all the schools in Mashashane, Kgolokgotlha Ledwaba achieved a pass rate of 76.7% in the 2021 academic year, with 30 learners having sat for exams and which 23 of them passed. In the previous academic year, Kgolokgotlha achieved a pass rate of 75.7% - about 1% increase/improvement.

4. Dr MJ Madiba Secondary

Dr MJ Madiba achieved a pass rate of 64.4% in the 2021 academic year, with 45 learners having sat for exams and 29 passed. In the 2020 academic year Dr MJ Madiba achieved a pass rate of 46.9%.

5. Seipone Secondary

Seipone achieved 56.1% in the 2021 academic year, with 66 learners having sat for exams and 37 passed. In the 2020 academic year Seipone achieved 92.3%.

6. Botsikana Secondary

Botsikana achieved 41.8% pass rate in the 2021 academic year, with 56 learners having sat for exams and 23 passed. In the 2020 academic year Botsikana achieved a pass rate of 39.4%

We wish all the matric 2021 learners the best of luck with their life after matric.